Read and Sign the Petition

Sign this petition if you believe it's time to stop the misuse of non-disclosure agreements in U.S. higher education. Together, let's pave the way to a safer, more just educational landscape. 


End the Misuse of Non-Disclosure Agreements in U.S. Higher Education

We the undersigned, stand together in calling for the end of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in United States higher education that silence people who come forward to raise complaints of sexual harassment, abuse or misconduct, or other forms of harassment and bullying.

NDAs are legal contracts used to prevent individuals from disclosing sensitive information, such as trade secrets. However, they have been misused within higher education institutions across the United States (and by corporations and religious institutions) as tools for silencing survivors of abuse, harassment or bullying. This not only harms those who sign NDAs, often while being intimidated and under duress, but also harms institutions by perpetuating unsafe educational environments and institutional deception.

In Canada and the UK, organizations like Can't Buy My Silence have made impressive strides to end the misuse of NDAs, and through their advocacy and data collection we can share some powerful facts:

—95% of those who sign NDAs report mental health consequences;

—Almost 6 times as many women report signing NDAs compared to men, likely explained by the preponderance of sexual harassment complaints brought by women which end in NDAs;

—Very worryingly, 32% of respondents to a survey in the UK reported that they did not file a formal complaint, because they anticipated being asked to sign an NDA, and did not want to. This is chilling.

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has expressed valid concerns, noting that NDAs can promote "an atmosphere of silence and fear" (AAUP Report May 2019). This is the opposite of what a university should be, a place for learning, research and service that prepares graduates to thoughtfully contribute to society and allows faculty and students to speak about circumstances and events that impact both the campus community and their research.

It's time to end this harmful practice. 

NDAFreeCampus is a new campaign to end the misuse of non-disclosure agreements in U.S. higher education, and build public awareness around the damage to individuals and institutional integrity when NDAs are used to silence survivors of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, workplace harassment and other forms of bullying. 

The first campaign of its kind, NDAFreeCampus is calling upon students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, educational leaders, and the public to insist on reform in the use of NDAs within higher education. Let's ensure NDAs serve their intended purpose—protecting sensitive information without infringing upon rights or enabling harm, especially in cases of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, workplace misconduct, and other forms of bullying.

Sign this petition if you believe it's time to stop the misuse of non-disclosure agreements in U.S. higher education. Together, let's pave the way to a safer, more just educational landscape.